
Search results

  1. PetPALS Grooming

    used as the odor may bother some people. Bathing a pet too close to visiting may cause additional ... a toothpaste approved for your pet. One goal of this 4-H project is for young people and their animals to form ...

  2. Calibrate Your Sprayer to Save Money on Pesticides

    Ozkan pointed out. “What people don’t know is that sprayers sometimes aren’t spraying the amount that ... people think they are,” Ozkan said. As a sprayer’s nozzles wear out, the rate of flow through them ...

  3. PetPALS Socialized Test

    test the team using a mobility aid to further prepare the team for visiting people where mobility aids ...

  4. USDA Expands Meat and Poultry Hotline Hours to Further Provide Food Safety Information to Consumers

    Almanza. “Experts are available to talk with people in English and Spanish, so we are able to help address ...

  5. Advancing Employment and Income Opportunities

    program is teaching people how to farm in the city. They are creating jobs and revitalizing neighborhoods. ...

  6. From Summits to Sustainability: Reaching for High Places, Personally and Professionally

    signature events have drawn more than 1,000 people, Hanselmann said. The network also hosts a series of ...

  7. Ohio’s newest member of the National 4-H Hall of Fame

    Ohio but across the country,” he said. “The pleasure of continuing to see the growth of people I have ...

  8. Ohio AgritourismReady Conference

    people from the same farm or business. The deadline to register is April 3. Registration includes lunch ...

  9. May 22 Workshop: Have Your Landscape and Eat It Too

    workshop says yes, you can. “People have a renewed interest in growing plants that not only look nice but ...

  10. See How a Tree Grown in Northern Ohio Becomes, Say, an Amish-Made Dining Room Chair

    including Amish-made lumber and furniture. “We hope people find it an eye-opening experience,” said ...
