
Search results

  1. 2020-22


  2. Corn Pollination

    As temperatures remain hot for much of the state, corn continues to put on leaf collars and is approaching the start of flowering. Corn is a plant that has separate male (anthers on the tassel) and female (silks in the ear) flowers, and it is critical tha ...

  3. Watch for Spider Mites in Dry Areas

    Hot, dry weather encourages certain pests in field crops, in particular spider mites in soybean and occasionally corn.  Spider mites are a sporadic problem that most often occurs in August, but infestations in July are possible with sustained periods of h ...

  4. Online Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification Available for 2020 Expirations

    The Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA), has partnered with the OSU Extension Pesticide Safety Education Program (PSEP) to offer online recertification for applicators whose licenses expire this year and have been unable recertify as a result of the COVI ...

  5. EASC Teacher Training: Global Teacher Seminar Summer 2019

    countries will be examined and how each impacts these resources and its people, including biodiversity, ...

  6. 2019 Community Engagement Conference

    focuses on improving the well-being of people and communities by protecting earth's life support ...

  7. EPN Field Trip

    people, profit and planet locally, regionally and globally -Adopt and apply relevant farm and conservation ... produce and local producers.  Owned and operated by Amy Forest, serving over 1,000 people over the last ... dinner specials, all sourced from local farmers,  The Hive  puts people and food at the top of their ...

  8. Ramey completes internship with OSU Extension: Adventure Central

    Students complete coursework in program and people development, planning and leadership and gain the skills ... necessary to work with people of all ages and develop them into agents of change. For additional information ...

  9. Drought Projections Do Not Go Well With Fungicide Applications

    Several calls this past week for fungicide applications on corn and soybean at all different growth stages.  So let’s review what might be at stake here. Soybeans.  Frogeye leaf spot and white mold on susceptible varieties when the environment is favorabl ...

  10. Foliar Fertilizer Applications to Soybean

    When soybean prices are low, inputs need to be carefully considered. Will I get a return on my investment? In 2019, Ohio State participated in a national protocol to evaluate foliar fertilizer in soybean. Trials were conducted in 13 states and totaled 20 ...
