
Search results

  1. First-Year Experience

    an amazing experience. I was able to meet so many new people and be introduced to all different kinds ... introduce you to new people, and generally be there as your first contact/friend at OSU. They will also ...

  2. IAC Meeting

    245 Stephanie Dunkel Repeats every month on December on the second Tuesday until Wed Dec 07 2022. ...

  3. FABE hosts international colleagues from China

    city government installs rain gardens along neighborhood streets. Sometimes, people may think that the ...

  4. IAC Meeting

    219 Stephanie Dunkel Repeats every month on the second Wednesday until Tue May 23 2023. Wednesday, ...

  5. Meet Lorrayne Miralha: New FABE Faculty Member

    research program and the people that have worked here [FABE] and within Ohio State are the base for many of ... incredible people who truly encouraged her to accept the position at FABE.  In the department, Lorrayne will ...

  6. H. Allen Klaiber

    blooms on peoples’ choices; and (4) measuring the impact of changes in climate and severe weather on ... peoples’ decision making and wellbeing. This research has resulted in the publication of 30 peer-reviewed ...

  7. Wickham receives award from national agricultural association

    appreciation for their interest and helping them make meaningful connections with content and people during ...

  8. Margo Overholt-Seckel

    Indiana when she found an interest in introducing young people to STEM careers through hands-on learning ...

  9. On a Roll: Ph.D. Candidate Jaden Tatum

    "The vision with this project is if we can help people heat and cool their greenhouses or high tunnels ...

  10. Extension/Outreach

    research-based information to the people of Ohio and beyond.  Our Community and Extension Education ...
