
Search results

  1. Southern Ohio Specialty Crop Conference

    people, so register early to avoid being shut out. This is the conference to attend for Southern Ohio ...

  2. Welcome Lindsey Latscha- Franklin County's New Area Leader

    part of The Ohio State University, Extension seeks to create opportunities for people to explore how ...

  3. Farms and Fun: Reducing Liability Risk for Agritourism Webinar Being Offered

    bringing people onto the farm for fun also brings risks of injuries and the possibility of legal ...

  4. Public Input Wanted on Plan to Improve Ohio Agriculture

    “Farmers often feel like people don’t listen to them, but this project offers a chance for their solutions ... recommendations represent ideas from across the spectrum of Ohio farms and people who work with food security and ...

  5. Marketing Local Foods? How to Stand Out from the Competition

    outreach arm. Organizers are expecting about 120,000 people over the three days of the Review. London is ... customers already heard of them through outside marketing efforts? What draws people in?” The presentation ...

  6. A DAY in the WOODS (Virtual)

    biologists,  Stephanie Downs (ODNR-Division of Forestry) and many others based on questions submitted.  Submit ...

  7. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Rachael Cline

    tasks and I learned how the actions I performed affected other people. I had a direct correlation with ... a professional sports team, but I also had an impact on the people that worked alongside me in my department. ... a whole. I have met many people who are passionate about their work and excited to teach others about it as ...

  8. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Sami Funderburgh, CCA

    undergraduate and graduate career. The people in the department offer a wealth of information and knowledge. Any ...

  9. Talking Tomatoes and Panzanella in the Veggie Trials Garden with the OSUMC James Mobile Kitchen Team

    Tim McDermott, recently paired with Chef Katie and Chef Stephanie to provide the Ross Heart Hospital ...

  10. School Garden Conference: Cultivating Common Ground

    diversity of plants and people that can be found in the garden. Sessions will focus on community-building, ...
