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Government Academy Workshop 10: The Constitution and Criminal Procedure
Meetings and Board Procedures * April 18, 2019, 5:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Dealing with Difficult People and ...
Government Academy Workshop 7: Sunshine Ethics
Procedures * April 18, 2019, 5:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Dealing with Difficult People and Conflict Management May ...
Government Academy Workshop 9: Strategic Planning 102- Building Entrepreneurial Communities
2019, 5:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Dealing with Difficult People and Conflict Management May 16, 2019, 5:30 ...
Government Academy Workshop 8: Zoning, Taxes, and Levies for Public Officials
2019, 5:30 p.m.- 8:00 p.m. Dealing with Difficult People and Conflict Management May 16, 2019, 5:30 ...
Don’t let arthritis or chronic pain stop you from gardening: Raised, vertical and elevated beds and container gardens
well for people who cannot bend or stoop, as well as people who may not have very much space for ...
Generation Rx. Safe Medication Practices for Life.
The mission of Generation Rx is to educate people of all ages about safe medication practices. ... education people of all ages about the potential dangers of misusing prescription medications. In doing so, ...
Ohio AgrAbility in Action: Universal Design in the Garden
is the creation of products and environments meant to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent ...
GAPs Online Produce Safety Course
the letter "O"). Then click Add Group. A minimum of 10 people must be registered for us to ... offer the course and class size is limited to 25 people. The course price is $225. Please let Don ...
Ohio AgrAbility in Action: Universal Design House and Garage at Farm Science Review
creation of products and environments meant to be usable by all people, to the greatest extent possible ...
Welcoming Everyone to your Farm or Business
to the public? Is your farm or business welcoming to people with disabilities? The American’s with ... Disabilities Act is a federal law that requires businesses to be accessible to people with disabilities, and it ... questions to consider: Is your property welcoming to people of all abilities? Is there room in your parking ...