
Search results

  1. Ohio Victory Gardens Seed Distribution, OSU at TBG Location

    plant a garden, and empower people to grow some of their own food.   Lucas County is one of the 50 ...

  2. National Service-Learning Conference

    opportunity to create something so spectacular that it changes how adults perceive all young people — as ...

  3. Sarah Orlando named 2022 Raymond A. Schindler Excellence in Community Development Extension Award Recipient

    teaching and research, her programs run from “K to gray,” reaching people from a variety of age ranges and ... owners, her programming typically reaches thousands of people per year. Her colleagues often receive ... with people from a variety of backgrounds and opinions and is great at finding common ground and paths ...

  4. Tapping into Social Media, Green Investing and Other Tools to Fund Your Environmental Project or Enterprise

    stronger connections to people and funders in your community and beyond who may be interested in your ... current and future endeavors – if they are treated appropriately. But many people are poorly versed in ... and even prosper in it.          Moderator and overview presenter Stephanie Boron, Financial Services ...

  5. Honoring Ohio's Environment and Celebrating its Champions

    and waters, helps to provide food and water sustainably, connects people and nature, builds healthy ...

  6. Organizational Capacity Building Programs

    change process that intentionally focuses on the best in people, their organizations, and the relevant ...

  7. Up in the Air with Sustainable Aviation Experts

    for people and the planet. Bart Elmore, PhD, associate professor, Department of History, The Ohio ...

  8. Advancing environmental justice in extreme heat and adapting through collaborative networks

    residents. People living in marginalized communities often have less access to the resources and ... Environmental Social Sciences. His research focuses on how people work together to solve complex environmental ...

  9. BRE Scope of Services and Cost

    to establish a plan of work to include project timeline, identify key inputs (including people who ...

  10. 2022 Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist Class

    provided an opportunity for you to spend sometime outdoors. While some people had an extra-long weekend, ...
