
Search results

  1. Structure Recommendations: Summer 2017

    relationships across program areas and bringing people together through successful teams that are inclusive, ... people accountable. Manage conflict. Collaborate for professional development with others scheduling time ... reimbursements, liaison with the county commissioners (may be different people) CAL Level – budget development, ...

  2. Welcoming Everyone to your Farm or Business

    to the public? Is your farm or business welcoming to people with disabilities? The American’s with ... Disabilities Act is a federal law that requires businesses to be accessible to people with disabilities, and it ... questions to consider: Is your property welcoming to people of all abilities? Is there room in your parking ...

  3. Memories and Milestones of OSU Extension

    all the people who worked or were touched by Extension programs. In-depth contributions were made by ...

  4. DISCflex Workshop

    others, and realizing the impact of personal behavior on the people around you. Learn how to “flex” your ... into how an individual’s behavior impacts the people around her or him. DISC evaluates four key factors ... weaknesses, basic assumptions about other people), and a 360º view based on input from others you select. ...

  5. Ohio AgrAbility in Action: Ohio AgrAbility workshops and exhibits at the 2018 Farm Science Review

    Ohio AgrAbility staff will present several workshops about ways to help people continue to farm or ... Center Tent at Beef Street and Corn Avenue Is your AgriTourism business accessible to people with ...

  6. DISCflex Workshop

    others and realizing the impact of personal behavior on the people around you. DISC provides insight into ... basic assumptions they make about other people. It can also go far in helping to predict how a person ...

  7. About OSU Extension

    information. No matter which county you visit, you can find people who are helped by the four major OSU ...

  8. Upcoming Events Focused on Preparedness

    conveyed, “People may say ‘Why do we need to practice earthquake drills in Ohio?’ We practice because Ohio ... EMA wants ShakeOut to get people to talk about emergency preparedness and to plan for all hazards and ...

  9. Fund Raising: Raffles, Bingo, Games of Chance

    private companies and people may donate to a public agency, and employees or officials may solicit and/or ...

  10. An Important Piece of Fire Prevention on the Farm Their resources breakdown to: Explain the types of fire extinguishers Help people decide when to ... use a fire extinguisher Teach people how to use a fire extinguisher Educate on the importance of fire ...
