
Search results

  1. Fish Farming Resources

    started and difficult to make money on a small scale. However, we have seen success with people starting ...

  2. Fascinating Woodland Fungi

    and/or avoided by visitors to the woods because people don’t know what they are, have limited knowledge, ...

  3. 4-H Health HEROES pledge their health to better living

    shelters and help people experiencing homelessness,” said Schubert. “Participating in Health HEROES and ...

  4. Farms branching out: Expanding opportunities for agroforestry markets, connections, and conservation

    collaborative Ohio Interagency Forestry Team.. Stephanie Chizmar, Ph.D. Dr. Chizmar is a Research Economist with ...

  5. Stanley D. Gehrt

    a history of attacks on people, including the tragic attack on Taylor Mitchell.  Our hypothesis is the ... attacks, and our goal is to identify management strategies to minimize the danger to people and coyotes. ... implications of this success for people, pets, and other wildlife.   Population dynamics and movement patterns ...

  6. Get ready to jump-start your internship search

    supporting your peers in a casual, friendly environment where people are eager to give you advice and answer ...

  7. Ohio 4-H By the Numbers

    4-H in 2023 At Ohio 4-H, we empower young people with the skills they need to lead for a lifetime! ...

  8. A chat may help convert a peer to a pro-sustainability stance

    a conversation or written exchange helped coax people who held anti-sustainability views toward support for an ... environmentally friendly initiative.  Results also showed that people with a pro-sustainability viewpoint were not ... issues, people can get entrenched in their views, but we find that this is not always the case, at least ...

  9. Choose to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

    | Appropriate f or individuals and groups | PDF for PRINTING Think about the items people use and dispose of ...

  10. Jeffrey Jacquet

    Marcellus Shale: impacts to people, policy, and culture from 2008 to 2018 in the Greater Mid-Atlantic region ... to people, policy, and culture from 2008 to 2018 in the Greater Mid-Atlantic region of the United ...
