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  1. Local Foods Farm Tour- Bluegreen Gardens

    bring joy to people through the sharing of their flowers. 60 Hamburg Rd., Lancaster, OH 43130 ...

  2. Fluoride

    2 ppm or below fluoride provides dental protection. However, some people who drink water containing ...

  3. News Release: Baldwin completes internship with Ohio State University Extension

    looks like in practice can vary considerably. Applying what they have learned and observing people in ...

  4. A successful 2nd year of aquaculture boot camp

    trained and mentored through ABC-2 Intermediate.  A total of 198 and 108 people attended the OAA-ABC and ... WAA-ABC Annual Conferences, respectively. Thirty-one people attended the OAA Annual Bus Tour in Ohio. ... than new farmers trained in Intensive and Intermediate programs, 76 people were trained through field ...

  5. News Release: Ritter completes internship with GC2 Ministries

    looks like in practice can vary considerably. Applying what they have learned and observing people in ...

  6. Taking Care of Business

    gathering place where business-minded people of the predominantly rural community can meet, learn, and even ... advice or mentoring,” he added. “As a small business, you have to rely on people who understand what it ... based on the completion of the challenges.” Casano is currently being tested by around 100 people in ...

  7. New OSHA obligations for a post-COVID 19 world

    thinking of bringing people back to work, they will be wise to realize the new virus means permanent ...

  8. Solidarity

    staff, and faculty in the black, indigenous, and people of color community (BIPOC). ACEL can and must be ...

  9. Spring Beauties...Native Dogwoods and Redbuds

    people use these as landscape trees where they receive more care, sun and less competition. They have ...

  10. Sarah Swanson: The smiling face of South Centers

    variety of people she gets to work with, and because every day is a unique challenge. “The work is ... talented people. Here at South Centers, we have people representing many different age groups, ethnicities, ...
