
Search results

  1. On Farm Biosecurity to Keep Us and Employees Safe

    parlor, and anything else people may touch.  Porous Surfaces on the Farm For porous surfaces, such as ...

  2. Coming in 2014: Managing Dairy Employees More Effectively Farm Assessment

    is accomplished through people, and more cows per farm means more people are needed to care for those ... cows. How can you do a better job managing people and therefore your cows? A good first step is knowing ... owners and managers identify strengths and areas of concern in their people management skills and the ...

  3. Entrepreneurial Networks

    Awareness of people and organization with influence in your city. Knowledge of social competencies and ...

  4. Dairy Palooza 2019

    nearly 400 people were in attendance! With quality assurance training and a session on writing thank-yous ...

  5. West Campus Science & Technology Festival

    and technology at Ohio State and beyond! This event is open to people of all ages, from children to ...

  6. Weebles Wobble

    are talking about people, families, lives.  People who have committed to building or carrying on ... a dairy farm business because they love cows and farming.  People who are providing jobs to other people ... and families.  So why talk about it?  Because it does involve people and what they have worked hard to ...

  7. A Great Success!

    With over 300 attendees, the first Ohio Dairy Conference attracted considerably more people than ... people learned the dynamics of the U.S. dairy industry, the changes in eating and demand patterns of U.S. ...

  8. Connecting Data, Systems, and People to Build Community

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  9. In This Community, Nature Activates a Healing Power in Its Young People

    Urban Food and Agriculture ...

  10. Biobased Companies

    and more in an easy-to-read format. Millions of people around the world are curious about the biobased ... creative way. They launched “a small pencil with a big idea.” Most people will throw away their pencils ...
