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  1. How to ruin the taste of a cookie with just 2 words

    products that people actually want.” The study tested the impact of food labeling on the human ... people to be skeptical of claims that a product is better just because it’s labeled “new and improved.” ... “With the negative contextualized messaging, there were more negative attributes selected – people ...

  2. People


  3. Trauma-Informed Care

    What is Trauma-Informed Care? Becoming “trauma-informed” means recognizing that people often have ... many different types of trauma in their lives. People who have been traumatized need support and ...

  4. Dr. Bill Pursch

    there are still people that put money into the fund, which continues to benefit students. “Without your ...

  5. Laura Stanton

    delivery of high-quality, research-based educational programs. The major program areas are Healthy People ...

  6. Celebrate Ohio State’s Commitment to Plant Health

    exhibition Protecting Plants, People and the World examines the connections between plant health, humans and ...

  7. CFAES Alumni Making News

    Applied Economics, 2003 – People to Know John Grimes, BS & MS in Animal Science, 1983 & 1988- ... Recognized by CLARB Stephanie Langel, BS in Animal Science, 2011- New podcast takes listeners inside the ...

  8. Supporting Our Military & Veteran Students

    navigating university and military life can be a challenge. Stephanie Dampney, a senior majoring in animal ...

  9. November 2021 Highlights

    Prevention,  on being selected as one of four people awarded the Volunteer Service Award by INFORMS (the ... physicochemical reasons people pair some ingredients together in  “Does pineapple belong on pizza? The science ...

  10. Fall Bird Walk with Austin Langdon

    Research shows that people that hang out with birds experience an upswing in their general mood. ...
