
Search results

  1. Finding a graduate advisor

    people at this stage can be helpful in composing your committee later on. If the conversation goes well, ...

  2. CFAES advancing animal agriculture with new Waterman Dairy

    enhance our student learning and bring more people in to educate about the dairy industry and agriculture ... people and animals can interact, fostering education not only for Ohio State students but also for K-12 ...

  3. Forestry, Fisheries, and Wildlife Ambassadors

    University is that we have our own little community of people passionate about the environment within this ...

  4. Shoshanah Inwood

    and focus on people, place and community. She approaches these questions through a sociological lens ...

  5. Environment, Economy, Development, and Sustainability Minor

    referred to as people, planet and profit. Through enrollment in the EEDS minor, students learn ...

  6. Levels of Community Change Game

    Changing people's habits and behaviors can be challenging. We can help your audience of ...

  7. Pantry Panic

    the world's population and many people right here in our own communities. Learn about hunger in ...

  8. Leadership Road Trip: Where Are You Going?

    people close to you, by setting goals, by practicing communication, and by making a commitment to lead. ...

  9. PetPALS: Leader's Guide

    citizenship skills. 4-H PetPALS allows young people to be models for residents in health care facilities and ...

  10. SENR Q&A: Winter Wildlife

    enhancing winter habitat SENR:   Are there things that people, especially those that have yards or manage ... the winter? MT:  Oh yes, there is a lot that people can do in backyards and managed landscapes for ... of dried or fresh fruit.   There are also important things people can do for winter wildlife during ...
