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Farm Office Live Webinar
people. Recordings will be posted on the following day. For Monday evening April 6th, ...
A Note from AEDE Chair
Ohio Lands: Creating Value for People and the Environment Webinar On Tuesday, May 12, 2020 from 10:00 ... for People and the Environment Webinar through keynotes and panel discussions to help us better ...
The roots of slowing climate change are in trees
energy sources on the electric grid, having more people drive electric cars and hybrids, and increasing ...
Fridge Study Reveals American Buying, Storing, and Consuming Trends During COVID-19
often. A group of researchers with the Ohio State Food Waste Collaborative recently surveyed 500 people ... expected to eat versus what they actually consumed. They found that in general, people overestimated how ...
The Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer Signs-Off on Another Great County Fair Tour
Ohio, where many people work in biomass production or other supporting agricultural industries. Most ... people know that soybeans are a great source of quality protein and oil for human consumption; many folks ... but in the process, we did some learning of our own. After meeting some incredible people on our ...
Much Fridge Food 'Goes There to Die'
in part by ambiguous date labels on packages, a new study has found. "People eat a lot less of ... 'best by' labels mean and people think they are a safety indicator when they are generally ... translate to "Toss it." Other findings from the new study: People who cleaned out their ...
Ohio Soy Sustainable Summer Wraps Up For 2018
encourage young people to explore one of the many career areas that the bioeconomy has to offer. During our ... time on the road, we spoke to nearly 2,500 people about living a more sustainable lifestyle through the ... implementation of biobased products. Most of the people we interacted with were unaware of the bioproducts ...
Alumni Spotlight
deaths of a handful of young African American acquaintances caused her to take stock. “People of color ... a burger but you are also considering a kale salad, chances are most people are going to order the burger ... most people go with personal preference and do not consider the longer-term health impacts or other ...
Keeping Food Fresh Longer Amid Coronavirus Pandemic
back to the store? Your question is on the minds of many people nationwide, as the majority of the ... on food products is key, especially considering most people aren’t sure what those date labels on ... groceries. “People also don’t need to disinfect their groceries or quarantine them in the garage. Just be ...
SWACO partnering with The Ohio State University and City of Upper Arlington to study's food waste campaign's impact
believe the “Save More Than Food” campaign will help people understand the severity of the food waste ...