
Search results

  1. MRW Work Ethic Certification

    comes from Mike’s personal experience working with entrepreneurs and hardworking people across the ...

  2. National Summit

    contribute to impacts in the city. Now What? 16 people from across the country participated in the ...

  3. The Butler County Fair is Almost Here

    youth, young people involved in 4-H experience: greater educational achievements greater motivation and ...

  4. 2020's

    a difference every day. A common saying is that people either see the glass as "half-full" or ... "half-empty." Ada Sue sees it as overflowing! She is one of the most positive people and that attitude rubs off ... strong leadership skills in all aspects of her volunteer work. Peg Naus There are few people who have ...

  5. NCR-SARE Announces 2024 Call for Youth Educator Grant Proposals

    for youth educators in the North Central Region to teach young people about sustainable agriculture (farming and ...

  6. Suicide Prevention Awareness Month

    anonymous and available 24/7.   What have the benefits been? • Almost 5 million people have contacted the ...

  7. People Make their Cooperatives Go and Grow: Reflections on a Timeless Idea

    The timeless idea that it is people who make their cooperative go and grow is celebrating its 50th ...

  8. New Extension Public Health AmeriCorps Recruiting Volunteers

    Ohio locations, so this opportunity is available to people across the state. Corps members are paired ... about this project at:  Click here for ...

  9. 4-H Health HEROES pledge their health to better living

    shelters and help people experiencing homelessness,” said Schubert. “Participating in Health HEROES and ...

  10. 2020's

    young people with the skills to lead for a lifetime. Travis has a love for the 4-H program through which ...
