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  1. What Are Your Top 5 Things To Do In Retirement

    people start talking about retirement planning, they think of finances. Do I have enough money saved? Do ... Speakers in this session talked about how really that’s the easy part for most people. There are several ... in 10 people planned on having some help from family members as they aged but had not had ...

  2. It's Chili Time!

    team name and the # of people on your team.  We will provide utensils, cups, spoons, tables, and voting ...

  3. Czech Theater and Culture Program

    (non-Columbus) campuses.  Students will learn about the history and culture of the Czech people through the lens ...

  4. Communication Resources

    Introduction Urban Extension includes a diverse group of people and environments. With multiple ... Freeimages Disabled and Here (photos/illustrations celebrating disabled Black, Indigenous, people of color ...

  5. Wooster Science Cafe: The Science of Invasive Pests

    of Entomology at OSU’s OARDC. Her work focuses on informing people around the identification of pest ...

  6. Avoiding Holiday Debt

    caught up in the moment, which is how many consumers get into trouble. People often have good intentions ...

  7. Frank Becker Hired As New ANR Educator for Wayne County

    about agriculture. “Farmers are intelligent people,” he said, “and not being around that (farm setting) ... Frank Becker said. That means less than 1 percent of the nation is feeding 100 percent of the people ...

  8. How To Handle Holiday Ham

    F. Canned hams are safe on the shelf as are dry country hams.   Storing a Ham Some people believe ...

  9. Mindfulness and Food Safety

    sharing with people you only see once a year.  Whatever the occasion, just pause, and absorb the moment in ...

  10. Here's How to Begin Saving For the Future: Be Prepared for Hard Times

    attitudes, behaviors, and beliefs from the people around us.  What’s the incentive to support their goals and ... so.  Many young people who have success in saving for down payments, education, and future accounts, ...
