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  1. Southwest Ohio Corn Growers Agronomy Field Day, Tuesday, August 13th, 2024

    Fayette County is known for its rich heritage in the agricultural industry. What better place for an agronomy, outlook for grain prices, and agricultural technology field day? On August 13 th, 2024, the Southwest Ohio Corn Growers Association, the Fayette ...

  2. Risk of Corn Grain Contamination with Vomitoxin in Ohio in 2024: July 8 Projection

    Mycotoxins, specifically deoxynivalenol (DON), commonly referred to as vomitoxin, has become a significant problem for Ohio corn growers. What was once considered an every-ten-year problem, has now become a yearly challenge in some sections of the state. ...

  3. Drainage Technology and Water Management Field Day at Ohio State Lima

    Drainage installation, drainage water recycling, and soil health will be the focus of a field day being held on Wednesday, July 24, 2024, beginning at 9 a.m. at The Ohio State University at Lima. Field demonstrations will be conducted by the Ohio Chapter ...

  4. Heather Torlina

    Heather Torlina Water Quality Extension Associate ...

  5. Battle for the Belt

    Meeting. Featured speakers include:Dr. Osler Ortez, Dr. Laura Lindsey, Dr. Stephanie Karhoff, and Dr. ...

  6. Pesticide Container Recycling Collection- Clinton County

    What can be recycled? Agriculture pesticide containers: jugs, drums (up to 55 gallons) and mini bulks (if cut into strips) will be accepted free of charge All containers must be triple rinsed Caps from jugs and lids from drums must be removed Remove loose ...

  7. Lep Monitoring Network – Corn Earworm Update # 11

    Here at the Lep Network, we have concluded our eleventh week of monitoring for Ohio pests and are on our second week of western bean cutworm moth reports and our fourth week of corn earworm! This past week, Wood County saw the highest average of WBC moths ...

  8. Battle for the Belt: Season 2 Episode 14 – July Weather Update

    Episode 14 of Battle for the Belt is now available: In Episode 14, we get a weather update from Dr. Aaron Wilson, Ag Weather and Climate Field Specialist. Please see his article called “Weather Extremes Abound” ...

  9. Slug Monitoring Report – Update #6

    As we near the end of our slug monitoring project in many counties (monitoring for 6 weeks after plant), we continue to observe warm temperatures, and as a result slug numbers remain low under the shingle traps. Low numbers don’t necessarily mean slugs ar ...

  10. Nutrient Value of Wheat Straw

    Before removing straw from the field, it is important for farmers to understand the nutrient value. The nutrient value of wheat straw is influenced by several factors including weather, variety, and cultural practices. Thus, the most accurate values requi ...
