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  1. IAC Meeting

    219 Stephanie Dunkel Repeats every month on the second Wednesday until Tue May 23 2023. Wednesday, ...

  2. Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI)

    Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) work. She loves being a resource and encouraging people to notice and ... talk about the differences that exist in our world. Many people were told NOT to notice differences, ...

  3. Digital Downloads: show gratitude for the special people in your life

    Our latest Digital Download bundle contains activities centered around showing gratitude to the everyday heroes in each of our lives. Take some time to create a unique keepsake for someone in your life who deserves to be recognized. DOWNLOAD HERE ...

  4. FABE hosts international colleagues from China

    city government installs rain gardens along neighborhood streets. Sometimes, people may think that the ...

  5. Frequently Asked Questions

    study? Will I need a parking pass? Are there any programs for people over the age of 60? Can I enroll in ... free parking on campus at ATI. 14. Are there any programs for people over the age of 60? Yes. The ... University offers "Program 60" which grants people who are 60 or older the opportunity to ...

  6. Meet Lorrayne Miralha: New FABE Faculty Member

    research program and the people that have worked here [FABE] and within Ohio State are the base for many of ... incredible people who truly encouraged her to accept the position at FABE.  In the department, Lorrayne will ...

  7. On a Roll: Ph.D. Candidate Jaden Tatum

    "The vision with this project is if we can help people heat and cool their greenhouses or high tunnels ...

  8. Invitation to Apply for Staff Leadership Series

    represent the university community’s diversity in the series and encourages people of all genders and ...

  9. Gluten Free Eating

    diet. For people who make the decision to eat gluten free as a matter of dietary choice and not ...

  10. Conservation drainage – a showcase at the Ohio State Lima regenerative agriculture farm

    are trying to promote here – a farm, a model farm where we will try different things, have people come ...
