
Search results

  1. Phishing And Smishing: Get Familiar and Avoid Tax Time Scams

    your return preparer-  Many people could prepare their tax return, but they feel more confident having ... utility services like electric, gas, and water. Imposter, investment, social media scams People lost $10 ... FTC. About 2.6 million reports were filed. One in four people reported losing money to scams, with ...

  2. Solar Eclipse Information and Viewing Guidelines

    stretch across 13 states. An estimated 31 million people live in this path, which includes cities like ... population of Lorain County is expected to increase to more than 1 million people to witness the nearly four ...

  3. Volunteers sought for Celebration of Nations

    event, people from many different countries have the opportunity to talk and show more about their ... following:  Help to place up tables and boards –   Wednesday, February 28- 8 am-11 am Sign people in/ Answer ...

  4. Jessica Tagg

    because I want to open people up to new opportunities, meet new people, and to help make OSU feel a little ...

  5. Birds and Birding

    Presently, over 47 million people in the United States consider themselves birders. Whether you are a novice ... Cornell Lab joins with people from all walks of life to make new scientific discoveries, share insights, ... for everybody. We focus on people with mobility challenges, blindness or low vision, chronic illness, ...

  6. Back 2 School Bash

    build relationships, meet new people, and raise awareness of student clubs and organizations while ...

  7. 2011 Award Winners

    Butterfield  Kip Shoemaker  Katy Shircliff  Lyndsey Murphy  Shalie Terrill  Justin Rismiller  Stephanie Neal  ...

  8. Marisa Kadrovach

    Ohio State?  I love the football games but also the opportunity to meet so many new people and friends. ...

  9. Leap Day Ideas: Check Off Bucket List Item, Take Social Media Break

    brain’s space to generate solutions to problems we are facing. Some people may recharge on their extra day ...

  10. Day of Service

    hard surface toys. Since more than half the people in Honduras live in poverty, the items are very much ...
