
Search results

  1. Layla Weber

    State?  I love being able meet new people from different places with different interests than me! Fun ...

  2. Carley Miller

    favorite thing about Ohio State?  My favorite thing about Ohio State are the people I have met and the ...

  3. Communicating to be Understood online

    a relationship. In this workshop we will explore how people communicate differently and how you can use your ... strengths to build relationships with your team and increase people's feeling of being heard. Through ...

  4. Grace Koenig

    someone who people can rely on and come to when they need it. ...

  5. Kalyna Kulchytsky

    about Ohio State?  I love meeting people and seeing all the friendly faces across campus. I also love ...

  6. Emma Irvin

    so many amazing people that became my best friends. Fun Fact:  I am an only child. In one sentence, ...

  7. Donuts with the Dean

    What I value most in our college is our people, and interacting with all of our faculty, staff and ...

  8. Mission Possible: Positive Leadership online

    test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room. Are people happy to see you? ...

  9. Lilly Marsh

    different people! Fun Fact:  I was a majorette in high school and I would twirl fire every Friday Night at ...

  10. ODA, OSU Extension team up to give out free garden seeds through Ohio Victory Gardens program

    people planting. Specific days and times for each office — as well as planting resources and information ... state bring people and ideas together to help CFAES sustain life. Extension’s educational outreach is ... again, encouraging people to plant seeds, realize the fruits of their labor, and share their harvest with ...
