
Search results

  1. Lilly Marsh

    different people! Fun Fact:  I was a majorette in high school and I would twirl fire every Friday Night at ...

  2. Aging: A Natural and Beneficial Part of Life

    a highly individualized experience and age-related changes occur at different rates for different people ... have four living generations. Many people experience full lives for two to four decades past 60 years ... uninformed about aging.  Negative Perceptions Many people have negative assumptions about aging, including ...

  3. School Programs

    support the “inspire to prepare” approach for propelling young people on a STEM career path. The jobs of ... the future are in STEM! Ohio State University Extension is working to inspire young people to want to ...

  4. Food Safety

    a variety of food safety programming throughout the state.  The manner in which people handle and prepare ... food is a major reason why foodborne illness occurs.  People must alter their food handling behavior, ... Five food safety video lessons developed for grocery store non-management employees Healthy People ...

  5. Getting the Most Return From Your Timber Sale

    people. Use the proper equipment. Observe all safety precautions and procedures. Determine if engaging in ...

  6. Backyard Poultry Certification Course

    Interest in keeping backyard poultry has been increasing steadily as more and more people want to ...

  7. Food Preservation Additional Resources National Center for Home Food Preservation USDA Complete Guide to Home ...

  8. Gardening for Conservation Webinar Series- Rooting Out Trouble: Managing Invasive Plants in Your Landscape

    causing big problems for people and wildlife alike. In this session, we’ll explore common ornamental ...

  9. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Melons

    identifies a ripe melon. Many people purchase cut melons and judge ripeness from the appearance of the inside ...

  10. Abnormal Ears in Corn—When and Why Do They Develop?

    author, Osler Ortez, go to References Abendroth, L. J., Elmore, R. ...
