
Search results

  1. Ohio Victory Gardens Seed Distribution, OSU at TBG Location

    plant a garden, and empower people to grow some of their own food.   Lucas County is one of the 50 ...

  2. Master of Applied Economics Job Market Panel

    of time and prepare them for what's to come.  The most valuable part for me was the people ...

  3. Dr. Sathya Gopalakrishnan chosen for 2021 North American cohort of leading sustainability scientists

    Davis Rachelle Gould, University of Vermont Stephanie Green, University of Alberta Anne Randall Hughes, ...

  4. Thanksgiving Break

    Thursday, Nov. 24- Thanksgiving Day. No classes, offices closed. Friday, Nov. 25- Indigenous Peoples ...

  5. Sustainability and Ohio Lands: Creating Value for People and the Environment Webinar

    Three perspectives on Sustainability on Ohio's Landscape  Speaker Bios.  Elena Irwin, Faculty Director, Sustainability Institute, OSU PRESENTATION SLIDES.  Bill Stanley, State Director, The Nature Conservancy Ohio Chapter PRESENTATION SLIDES.  Chris ...

  6. Take a Virtual Tour of the new CEARC

    learn about the high-tech control system, and hear from some of the people advancing sustainable and ...

  7. Noon Basketball

    pick-up basketball. Come check us out and enjoy getting to know some new people via friendly competition ...

  8. Reminder: New COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters and Flu Shots are Available

    primary series or any previous COVID-19 booster dose. The Pfizer bivalent booster is approved for people ... monovalent booster. The Moderna bivalent booster is approved for people who are 18 or older.  Student Health ...

  9. Partnership Promotes DEI Workshops for SNAP-Ed Staff

    Nutrition Assistance Program Education). SNAP-Ed is a free, evidence-based program that helps people lead ...

  10. 2022 CFAES Alumni Award Winners

    agricultural engineering) Young Professional Achievement Award: Dr. Stephanie Langel (BS, animal sciences), Dr. ...
