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An Important Piece of Fire Prevention on the Farm Their resources breakdown to: Explain the types of fire extinguishers Help people decide when to ... use a fire extinguisher Teach people how to use a fire extinguisher Educate on the importance of fire ...
Is Your Summer Event Welcoming and Accessible to People with Disabilities?
is open to the public, it must be accessible to people with disabilities. The American’s with ... large restroom stalls are easier for people with baby strollers or carts, as well as people who use ... canes or walkers. However, providing access is more than getting people through the gate, it also ...
National Occupational Therapy Month
independence for people in agriculture. This program conducts on-site assessments for the worker to determine ...
Martin to lead Field to Faucet water program, has ‘ability to bring people together’
many minds,” said CFAES Dean Bruce McPheron. “Jay has the ability to bring people together.” Martin is ... obvious that working with the people was the key to success.” “Solving the water quality problem will take ... many minds. Jay has the ability to bring people together.”—Bruce McPheron Safe water, productive ...
Borlaug Dialogue and World Food Prize
Dialogue," each year brings together over 1,200 people from more than 65 countries to address cutting-edge ...
Ag Communication Graduate Student Tapped to Represent Ohio State at 2018 Global Food Security Symposium
first hand- never, herself, having gone to bed on an empty stomach, but witnessing other people struggle ... timely because by 2050, Africa’s population will double, with 1 billion people projected to be under 18 years of ...
How to grow grass even greener
partner, OSU Extension. “People in the industry really want to do things the best way possible — the most ... environmentally sound way,” he said. “This is one of the ways OLCA helps them do it.” “People in the industry ... for people, water, bees Included in the program were talks on how to protect honey bees, how to help ...
Environmental Quality
people are goals of The Ohio State University. Ohio State works on what Teddy Roosevelt called “the great ...
Transmission Between Pigs and People 2:00 p.m. Zoonotic Diseases: Protecting Yourself from Your Animals ...
China Gateway
enhance overall relations between the United States and the People’s Republic of China. Since 1979, the ...