
Search results

  1. Buckeye Summit

    of Ohio families, 17.4 million U.S. households and nearly 1 billion people around the world don’t ...

  2. 10th Annual Stinner Summit

    ground, ways that people can work together toward the common purpose of healthy agroecosystems and ...

  3. Executive Committees

    ensuring the board remains full and that there are qualified and talented people on the board. EVENTS ...

  4. Faculty to Discuss Motivating Sustainable Behavior

    motivate people to promote sustainability? and what psychological and social barriers do we face in doing ...

  5. Faculty, staff honored at annual event

    Ohio State ATI held its annual faculty/staff recognition event on April 21. The following people ...

  6. Decision Sciences Collaborative Colloquium

    one’s thinking, feeling, and behaviors, as well as how people’s thinking, feeling, and behaviors give ... Do Happy People Make a Happy Society? from Wiley-Blackwell in 2012. His papers have appeared in ...

  7. Revised Phosphorus Index Can Help Curb Agricultural Runoff

    levels for people and the lake. “The index provides a long-term, average estimate of field-scale ...

  8. The Bridges between Science, Policy and Action- Lessons Learned from the Delaware River Basin and Beyond

    provides water to over 15 million people.  Issues run the gamut from natural gas development, clean-up of ...

  9. Climate, Environment, and Elections in Latin America: Can Citizens Make a Difference?

    shifts capital toward people, natural capital and clean infrastructure for the XXIst century. More ... information about Dr. Araya and her work can be found at: and ...

  10. New Study Will Track Ways to Cut Runoff from Elevated Phosphorus Fields

    people’s health. The Maumee watershed, which empties into the lake at Toledo, is the lake’s largest source ...
