
Search results

  1. Cover Crops for Prevented Planting Acres at ONU Thursday, June 27

    Sundermeier, OSU Extension, Wood County.  Resource people who will be available to answer your questions ...

  2. The Most Adventurous Fair

    across the state that provided help this year. There are so many people to thank for so many things they ... a few of the many key people that deserve special recognition and appreciation. Thank you to our 4-H and ...

  3. Good Spending and Savings Habits

    an emergency. That’s nearly 131,000,000 people. We just completed a Steps To Home Ownership series of ...

  4. Wayne County 4-H Launches Mobile App

    people who might not be able to be on-site at the show/sale arena when the hard copies of the programs ...

  5. OSU- A Land Grant University

    Antonio for a Leadership conference and met some wonderful people from all over the nation, through their ... people, just as we should do as individuals.  We serve ourselves best when we serve others and our ...

  6. About

    a national program from the U.S. Department of Agriculture that promotes independence for people in ... connects you with other people, who have had similar experiences for sharing ideas and support. * Secondary ...

  7. Ohio Intensive Soybean Management Workshop- Hardin County

    limited to 25 people. The following link will connect you to online registration: ...

  8. Ohio Intensive Soybean Management Workshop

    Registration deadline is Thursday, February 14.  Registration is limited to 25 people.   The following link ...

  9. Western Bean Cutworm Numbers Continue to Increase

    Western bean cutworm (WBC) trap counts for the week of July 20 – 26 continue to increase in many counties across Ohio. A total of 26 counties monitored 88 traps, resulting in 636 WBC adults (7.2 statewide average moths per trap) (Figure 1). Counties that ...

  10. LGBTQ

    Allies of United wiht LGBT People (PFLAG)LAG and or Stonewall Groups Cincinnatti Equality Cincinnatti ...
