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  1. Emerita Profile: Shirley Badger

    "When people don't have family, we sit with them so they don't have to die alone. It's ...

  2. Handprinter Presentation and Discussion: A Tool to Improve Sustainability Literacy at Ohio State

    technologies that enable people around the world to drive sustainable development “from the bottom ... up.” One project he developed, Handprinter, helps people understand their footprints and then to ...

  3. PetPALS Bringing Pets

    no time should any of the pets show aggression, fear, or resentment toward people.  For the ...

  4. NEWS: Gage Smith Awarded Gilman Scholarship for Study Abroad from the US Department of State

    is one of the best tools for developing mutual understanding and building connections between people ...

  5. Time, Space, and Access to Healthy Foods

    com/neighborhoods/2013/02/ what-food-desert-maps-get- wrong-about-how-people-eat/ 4741/. More information about the talk can ...

  6. Conference to Help Ohio's Cities Manage Urban Wildlife

    and suburbs limit conflicts between people and wildlife, from deer to geese to coyotes. Organizers say ...

  7. A Witness to the Birth of Ohio State ATI

    I have been one of the luckiest people in the world. Had I tried to plan how my life would be, never ...

  8. Linking Land Use and the Economy: Our Land, Our Water, Our Future

    said. "We want to provide an outside perspective to educate people about the different land use ... to be used to enhance the quality of life for their people."  Other topics to be covered ...

  9. Ohio State Experts to Speak at Sustainable Agriculture Conference

    improving people’s food security as a result, one of its university-wide areas of focus. Details are at ...

  10. Chow Line: Ring in healthy year with pork, sauerkraut

    a day, and more than half of the 1,500 milligrams a day that people with high blood pressure should ...
