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The Dicamba Situation – Assessment and Some Action Items
from people around the state, and a few things to think about as seed orders are placed and weed ...
Conversations on the Future of Extension
trends and issues, referred to as descriptors, for Ohioans over the next 20 years. More than 500 people ...
Building Employee Engagement and Relationships Using Strengths- ONLINE
People who use their strengths every day are six times more likely to be engaged on the job. ...
Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification Update
a Pesticide Applicator License or a bill for the $30 fee if you did not have a Pesticide License. People ...
Leadership Institute
emotional effectiveness as well as effective coaching (how we take good people and make them the best they ...
Applying Your Strengths @ Work
research that: People who know their talents and use them at work are… 6 times as likely to be engaged in ...
Open letter regarding efficacy of Cry1F trait on western bean cutworm
(most too late and with little hope of benefit). People are frustrated and angry and, more importantly, ...
Applying Your Strengths @ Work
contribution to your organization. The Gallup organization has found through its research that: People who ...
July OSU Agronomy Field Days
Please RSVP to Bruce Ackley,, and include the number of people in your group. Payment ...
Rust, Freeze Injury, Head Scab: Should I Still Put on a Fungicide?
hit by freezing temperatures, all within the last 7 day. Understandably, most people were planning to ...