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  1. Videos and Presentations

    benefits to companies and people, there was no simple way to quantify the benefit. Therefore, stakeholders ... of ecosystem services that benefit people, and therefore accounting for the value of natural capital ...

  2. More People and Less Poverty in 2050: Satisfying the Rising Demand for Food

    of Ohio State's  Subsurface Energy Resource Center (SERC), will present  “More People and Less ...

  3. Protecting Farmland at the Fringe: Do Regulations Work?

    researchers and agency leaders. Conference participants are national, state and local land use policy people ...

  4. Transferring Your Business to the Next Generation: Dealing with People Problems

    reasons that center on people and the family. Policy brief Sunday, July 1, 2001 Transferring Your Business ...

  5. Brown Marmorated Stink Bugs on the Move into Homes and Buildings

    people nor cause any damage to buildings, but many do not like their presence and odor (especially when ...

  6. Central Ohio Precision Ag Symposium

    Precision Ag Magazine’s 2016 Top 10 (#4) People in Precision Agriculture. Dr. Scott Shearer, Chair, ...

  7. Letter from Tim Haab, AEDE Department Chair

    quality people and letting those people do what they do best. I believe we have the finest faculty and ...

  8. Registration Now Open for July 12 Western Ohio Precision Ag Day

    crop prices down, people are looking for ways to save money without sacrificing yields.” The event is ...

  9. Research by Brian Roe Examines How Well Farmers Tolerate Risk in Comparison to Other Sectors

    reflects, “Nearly all population segments have about 40% of people identifying themselves in the middle risk ... previous studies have shown that as people age they generally exhibit less risk-tolerant behaviors. Thus, ...

  10. LGBTQ Mix, Mingle, and Munchies

    you're looking for a student organization to get involved in, want to meet new people or need help ...
