
Search results

  1. Working in and Harvesting the Garden with Arthritis or other Physical Limitations

    same joints also are affected by people with other physical limitations such as limited mobility, knee ...

  2. Marestail Control in Wheat Stubble- Part 2: Cover Crop Considerations

    Following last week’s article about marestail control in wheat stubble, a number of people asked ...

  3. Urban farming in a parking lot? See it in action in Wooster

    principles involved, and that you can actually  do  this," Kovach said. "People say parking lots ...

  4. New undergraduate minor in sustainability now available

    environmental dimensions of sustainability-- often referred to as people, planet and profit. Through enrollment in the EEDS ...

  5. EPA Proposes Changes to the Certification and Training of Pesticide Applicators

    EPA-HQ-OPP-2011-0183. Learn more about the proposal and certification for pesticide applicators: ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-36

    reports show 5 people died from auger entanglements, 4 died from a fall or being struck by an object at ... nuisance and is dangerous to people of all ages, especially children.  Children should never be allowed to ... a tag to the locked switch so that other people involved can positively identify it. Never enter a grain ...

  7. 2017 Central Ohio Precision Ag Symposium- Waldo

    Precision Ag Magazine’s 2016 Top 10 (#4) People in Precision Agriculture.  Dr. Scott Shearer, Chair, ...

  8. South America

    pending, the program may be offered in Cuba) This program shows students how people use animals every day. ...

  9. Ohio 4-H has strength in (volunteer) numbers

    The positive youth development activities of 4-H uniquely prepare young people for success. All ... fact, 70 people were recognized for 50 or more years of service, including one "young lady" ...

  10. Late-Season Scouting for Palmer Amaranth

    concerned people. Credit is especially given to the entire staff of one dealership in western Ohio who took ...
