
Search results

  1. Spring is in full swing The climate models continue to point toward a trend from cooler than normal to warmer than normal ... Rain risk- Risk for rain favors slightly elevated risk for wetter versus drier weather into April. ...

  2. U.S. Withdrawal from Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Hurts U.S., Benefits China

    align with, “…the policy of my Administration to represent the American people…and to create fair and ...

  3. Diversify or Die: How Increasing Diversity of People and Ideas Can Make Organizations More Competitive

    Diversity of People and Ideas Can Make Organizations More Competitive."  The event is open to the Ohio ...

  4. Migration and Climate Variability

    over 158 million people with a high growth rate of ~2.5 million people per year. It is continuously ...

  5. American Indian Science and Engineering Society (AISES)

    Hawaiians, First Nations and other indigenous peoples of North America in science, technology, engineering ...

  6. Graduate Studies in AEDE Creates Career Path Focus

     “The willingness to engage in searching out what you do not know is a quality that holds people in good ...

  7. Peter P. Ling

    Lansing,Stephanie,L; Martin,Jay,F, "Use of an ecological treatment system (ETS) for removal of nutrients from ... Chiapas, Mexico" Proceedings for the 5th Biennial Emergy Research Conference 2009. Lansing, Stephanie ...

  8. Danyi Qi Awarded Bernie Erven Outstanding Graduate Teacher Award

    “One-third of edible food is wasted annually in the world,” says Qi.  “In order to feed 9 billion people in ...

  9. Is the No-Cutting Fall Rest Period for Alfalfa Really Necessary?

    in northern Ohio and mid-September in southern Ohio. Every year I observe that many people do not ... follow this recommendation, probably for various reasons.  Most people taking only three cuttings are ...  So I am not going to disagree with people about their fall cutting practices.  But my question for ...

  10. "Last Chance" Fertilizer Applicator Certification Programs

    there have been over 17,250 people certified in Ohio in the past 3 years by OSU Extension. There are ...
