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Ohio State Helps Develop Money Management Tool Available Online
one of four researchers involved in the project. The principal investigator is Stephanie Moulton of ... continue to be refined, and people who are using it are providing constructive feedback as well as positive ...
Organizational Capacity Building Programs
change process that intentionally focuses on the best in people, their organizations, and the relevant ...
Leadership Development Programs
to deal with difficult people. Contact: David Civittolo Conducting Effective Meetings Participants ...
GAPs Online Produce Safety Course
A minimum of 10 people must be registered for us to offer the course and class size is limited to 25 people ...
May 2021 Highlights
well as acknowledge some of the people who supported them. Congratulations and best of luck to our ...
Work in the Time of COVID: Catching up with Ellia La
dates I can still reconnect with friends from home or some people I don’t get to see because of spatial ... great for people with disabilities or who are less mobile and also for people like me who have more ... her high school district. “I’m connecting with people I haven’t connected with in a really long time ...
May 2017 Highlights
following people will be joining our department in June (Dr. Snyder) and in August (Dr. Klein and Dr. ... Katie Williamson both received the “People’s Choice” award for their poster presentations. In addition, ...
Balasubramaniam receives 2021 IFT Achievement Award
people in Kenya and beyond. Oniang’o, through the Rural Outreach Program-Africa, an organization that she ...
Good Agricultural Practices Online
Produce Safety Course, visit the National Gaps Program eCornell registration A minimum of 10 people ... must be registered for us to offer the course and class size is limited to 25 people. The course price ...
Tri-State Emerald Ash Borer Workshop is April 9 in Indiana
(OARDC); and Sharon Lucik, APHIS. Their topics: EAB and what it does, where it is, how it affects people ... who have ash trees on their property, and what those people can do about it. The afternoon program, ... Stephanie Miller, urban forester, Ohio Department of Natural Resources. ââ¬â ââ¬ÅSources of ...