
Search results

  1. Lecturer Profile: Denise Kestner

    Economics major. Kestner teaches her students the importance of people and how they relate to success of ...

  2. Nearly 80,000 pounds of produce grown for food pantries statewide

    County. That’s significant, considering the rising unemployment and other financial hardships people have ... teaching people best gardening practices and strategies to reduce the use of pesticides. Invasive species ... includes encouraging people to identify, report, and be on the lookout for spotted lanternfly, Asian ...

  3. Survey says…better designed survey questions generate truer responses

    to reduce bias, survey questions should make people think harder in order to provide deep answers. ...

  4. Ian Sheldon reflects on storied career in agricultural economics

    what other people bring to the table.” If you know Sheldon personally or have heard him give an outlook ...

  5. Sustainability and Ohio's Landscape: Creating Value for People and the Environment

    The 2020 Spring Outlook program Sustainability and Ohio Lands: Creating Value for People and the ...

  6. Smartphone app reveals patterns in how people choose and eat leftovers

    economics. However, few studies have explored people’s behaviors surrounding household leftovers, limiting ... future consumption. The researchers analyzed data from 18 people living in or near Baton Rouge, ...

  7. Evaluating Consumer Food Waste Reduction Interventions

    personal attitudes, perceived behavioral control, the number of people in a household, and the amount of ... Emerging evidence suggests a link between young people’s interest in alternative food production practices ...

  8. Chlorite

    chlorite in excess of the MCL. Some people may experience anemia. 1 000.00 ppb ug/L ppb Inorganic trace ...

  9. Meet Ashlee Balcerzak: Paving the Road to a Career in Higher Education

    field,” she recalls. “After traveling to Guatemala for a mission trip and seeing how many people lacked ... to become a medical doctor to help people, I was going to become a different kind of doctor who could ... also help people, I wanted to use my love for learning and education to help others and make ...

  10. Meet Lindsay West: A Food Engineer with a Global Perspective

    throughout her life. These experiences influenced the way she views the world and people. Her passion for ... opportunity to create real world solutions that improve the lives of many people.  Lindsay says, “This ... has to offer.  “I’ve learned that people love sharing their experiences if you are willing to strike ...
