
Search results

  1. Lyme Disease- What You Need to Know

    debilitation in both people and animals.  Public Health Entomologist Dr. Glen Needham and representatives from ...

  2. Local Food Champion- Tim McDermott

    our environment and all people. Since joining OSU Extension in 2015 and joining the Franklin County ...

  3. CD Wire- July 6, 2020

    microfiber cloth and wipe device gently. Learn more. Clorox wipe warning:  Many people have probably used ... People have had to alter their typical lifestyle, and the measures put into effect to reduce the spread ...

  4. DLS Helps to DIY

    activity completed with other people has been proven to burn more calories than doing it alone!  It builds ...

  5. Government Shutdowns... What about them?

    on people, communities, and the economy? Governmental shutdowns occur when disagreements over ...

  6. CD Wire- November 30, 2020

    colleagues and student interns on exploring behavior of people who live in “food deserts.” A 2009‐2010 study ...

  7. Keeping Unity in the Community

    Towards this end, in many American cities middle and upper income people are moving into neighborhoods ...

  8. Marilyn Rabe Retired After 26 Years of Service

    Marilyn’s favorite extension memories include all of the wonderful people she was able to meet and worked ...

  9. Dining with Diabetes Workshop

    Dining with Diabetes is a cooking and nutrition class for people with diabetes (or pre-diabetes) ...

  10. You Want What/When?!

    write about what I do? Yes, I hear all of the many organized people out there thinking, “Here is a great ...
