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  1. A successful season for Ohio State ATI’s Dairy Judging Team

    coach. “I don’t know if there’s very many people that can say they went as a student and then as ...

  2. 2021 Farm Science Review to be live and in person

    host of Farm Science Review, which brings in more than 100,000 people annually. Kress called the event ... to the people of Ohio and beyond.” Jacqueline Kirby Wilkins, a CFAES associate dean and the director ... directory, both designed to help people navigate the grounds. “Our staff has strived to make it easier for ...

  3. See You at the Dean's Charity Steer Show

    showmanship, and people’s choice. During the event, there will be a “sale” following the same procedures as ...

  4. A Winter Solstice Note

    support allowed us to engage around 16,000 people through:  25 individual group tours during the growing ...

  5. Nutrition & Wellness

     Nutrition Programming:  We teach a variety of programs on nutrition including Mindful Eating, Eating Heart-Healthy, Instant Pot 101, and more. OSU Extension offers a program called Mindful Wellness  which gives an overview on the science behind the art o ...

  6. State-of-the-Art Animal Facility Coming to Ohio State

    more people involved in what we do.” “I think visitors will walk away having learned so much more than ... people’s foods come from and to understand the process.”John Foltz Pigs like to play ball. A 6- or 8-pound ... setting to better understand where people’s foods come from and to understand the process,” Foltz said.  ...

  7. Supporting Our Military & Veteran Students

    navigating university and military life can be a challenge. Stephanie Dampney, a senior majoring in animal ...

  8. New Ohio State Collaboration with Advanced Drainage Systems Supports FABE Students and Research

    Institute. “Most people in urban areas don’t think about where their water comes from or where it goes ...

  9. January 2022 CFAES Connect

    Plant Health Copy:  A new exhibit is coming to the Thompson Library, titled “Protecting Plants, People ...

  10. ArboBlitz 2021

    3 hours. Then, the following Arbor Day, we dedicate those trees in honor of the wonderful people that will ...
