
Search results

  1. FCS Healthy Professional Development Awards Presented Recently

    Healthy Literacy Specialist certification); Amy Meehan, Healthy People program specialist (obtaining ...

  2. Livestock Judging Team

    As did Ebert, many young people begin judging as part of 4-H and FFA activities and seek to continue ...

  3. Take a Virtual Tour of the new CEARC

    learn about the high-tech control system, and hear from some of the people advancing sustainable and ...

  4. Partnership Promotes DEI Workshops for SNAP-Ed Staff

    Nutrition Assistance Program Education). SNAP-Ed is a free, evidence-based program that helps people lead ...

  5. Noon hour basketball at the SAC

    getting to know some new people via friendly competition on the basketball court.   ...

  6. Reminder: New COVID-19 Vaccine Boosters and Flu Shots are Available

    primary series or any previous COVID-19 booster dose. The Pfizer bivalent booster is approved for people ... monovalent booster. The Moderna bivalent booster is approved for people who are 18 or older.  Student Health ...

  7. Ohio State ATI launches livestock judging team

    reasons). As did Ebert, many young people begin judging as part of 4-H and FFA activities and seek to ...

  8. Statewide Sheep Production Tour on Oct. 15-16 – Register by Oct. 13, so tour hosts know how many people to expect. Hotel reservations should be made in advance; tour ...

  9. The Supervisor's Toolbox Session Descriptions

    how people say and do things based on their style tendencies. Once people understand these behavioral ... a specific people and situations in order to work more effectively with individuals and teams.  Each ... communication, recruiting/hiring the right people, and delivering constructive feedback. Explore the basic ...

  10. Call for Programs: Annual Multiple Perspectives on Access, Inclusion, and Disability Conference

    “We the People.” The last forty-nine years our paradigms have been pushed from medical models toward ...
