
Search results

  1. Dairy Cattle Judging Team seeking sponsors

    Stephanie Wyatt (Hamilton, OH). The judging team experience helps participating students develop thinking, ...

  2. Ohio State Energy Symposium Feb 10 & 11

    3:25 p.m.     What Does It Mean to Go Negative? 4:10 p.m.     Power To, For and From the People 4:55 ...

  3. 4-H Rocks! 4-H Week

    Please spread the word about our great 4-H program! Today, send a flyer to 5 new people and invite ...

  4. McMullen places first in regional interview contest

    agriscience education. MANRRS is a national society of people of all racial and ethnical groups in ...

  5. McMullen places first in regional interview contest

    education. MANRRS is a national society of people of all racial and ethnical groups in agricultural and ...

  6. Hiring Two Student Assistants for Summer 2020!

    Self-Motivation, Enthusiastic & Demonstrate good people skills. For complete details, please click here.   ...

  7. Many thanks for our first virtual new student orientation

    many dedicated and caring people worked together to make it happen.    I want to thank all the folks ...

  8. Small Acts Make Big Impact

    Submitted by Denise Rotavera-Krain, “The things that change people ... or not, this means a great deal to students.  Bravo!  “If you want people to understand that you ...

  9. Best Teaching Practices: Lessons from the Lily Conference

       Space is limited to 45 people.       ...

  10. The Power of 'You Can'

    some people, the phrase ‘you can’t’ is enough of a motivator to do something simply to prove someone ... wrong. The Internet is rife with stories of people told a version of ‘you can’t do that’. Walt Disney ... famous. What about the rest of us? Most of us don’t like to be told ‘you can’t’. For most people, hearing ...
