
Search results

  1. Bruce Ackley

    the years my decision to work here has been affirmed by the good people & the good value system ...

  2. Student Engagement with OSU Extension

    aspirations. Check out this 3-minute video about real people working for OSU Extension.   EXISTING AND EMERGING ... EXTENSION CAREERS Are you interested in a career that allows you to work with diverse groups of people ...

  3. Fulbrighters Experience Research Opportunities, Ohio’s People and Culture

    Fulbrighters Experience Research Opportunities, Ohio’s People and Culture Bringing internationals ... do with farming and life because farming as a business is so integrated into people’s lives that you ... can’t separate the business from the family or the people. While the scale of many of the operations was ...

  4. Multicultural Self-Awareness Workshop Online Version

    ways in which to view interactions with people different from themselves.The online workshop is taking ...

  5. Marcia K. Feller (614) 292-2124 Waterman Headquarters M.S., The Ohio State University, Agriculture (2005) B.S., The ...

  6. Brazilians See Enough of OSU in a Single Day to Return for Graduate Studies

    (TOP) which has opened doors for over 15,000 young people, from Ohio or from around the world, over the ...

  7. CD Wire- November 2, 2021

    8 Pillars That Drive Results" Discussion- Brian Raison January 20, 2022- Dealing with Difficult People ... joining to brainstorm ways to improve the health of Ohio’s land and people with support from the Ben ...

  8. Animal Sciences Bullish about on-Animal Sensors Project with Australia’s CQUniversity

    around the clock and are sensitive enough to detect minute changes that people do not notice. For cattle ...

  9. CD Wire- September 27, 2021

    proposals. Appointing People on Sponsored Programs- October 14 from 1:30- 3:30 p.m. Types of faculty ... 20, 2022- Dealing with Difficult People- Jeff King February 10, 2022- How the Brain Learns- Shannon ...

  10. CD Wire- September 13, 2021

    improve our partnerships, programs, products, processes, and support for our people and those we serve. ... Appointing People on Sponsored Programs- October 14 from 1:30- 3:30 p.m. Types of faculty appointments; time ... Brian Raison January 20, 2022- Dealing with Difficult People- Jeff King February 10, 2022- How the Brain ...
