
Search results

  1. CFAES launches the Knowledge Exchange

    Tools, Environment and Natural Resources, Food and Agriculture, and People and Communities. Over 25 ...

  2. Dalapon

    dalapon in drinking water is runoff from herbicide used on rights of way. HEALTH EFFECTS Some people who ...

  3. Good Agricultural Practices Online

    Produce Safety Course, visit the National Gaps Program eCornell registration    A minimum of 10 people ... must be registered for us to offer the course and class size is limited to 25 people. The course price ...

  4. About

    of people who share their passion for our world and its environment, natural resources, people, and ...

  5. CFAES appoints Kathy Lechman as assistant dean and director of diversity, equity, and inclusion

    Ethnicity.   In her appointment, we have someone familiar with our college and many of our people as well as ...

  6. Equity strategies in water affordability for marginalized communities

    a people-centered model for protecting the Great Lakes. Crystal enjoys connecting individuals and communities to the ...

  7. Last Stand- Ted Turner's Quest to Save a Troubled Planet. An Evening with Environmental Journalist, Todd Wilkinson — A Signature EPN Event

    Wilkinson, on issues of western land use, bison, wildlife and people and the differences native Ohioan Ted ...

  8. Provost’s Discovery Themes Lecturer Program presents Eli Pariser Oct. 15

    are working to bring people back into contact with each other and with reality. Tuesday, October 15, ...

  9. Raise Your Hand for 4-H

    and build critical life skills young people need to thrive. You can help by raising your hand to ... more young people do, learn and grow. Join us today and  Raise Your Hand, because every child deserves ...

  10. Where are they now? Alumni Awards edition

    award. I hope to nominate people in the future for consideration for the award. W. Alan Wentz, ’69 BS ... business running. The pandemic slowed down business quite a bit, people would call but were scared to come ... and see the plants. But after things started to slow down, things are starting to pick up. People are ...
