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  1. Ohio’s Forests- Celebrating a Rich History; Planning for Emerging Threats

    Ohio’s forests and people, and a new exhibit at the iconic Thompson Library highlights Ohio’s forests:  ...

  2. Effective Employee Management

    mirror. People often leave a job due to bad management. Good managers build employee morale and keep ... people Holding people back: Good managers provide employees with opportunities for advancement and ways ... focus on solutions. Frequent threats of firing: This makes people feel like they are disposable and ...

  3. Land Use, Land Trusts, and "Smart Growth" Links

    special places, the farms, forests, parks and other green spaces that people love; helps land ... improving health and environment; promotes people-friendly, regional planning; healthy food from local ... people for parks, gardens, natural places, livable communities; conservation financing; GIS; ...

  4. On Farm Biosecurity to Keep Us and Employees Safe

    parlor, and anything else people may touch.  Porous Surfaces on the Farm For porous surfaces, such as ...

  5. Coming in 2014: Managing Dairy Employees More Effectively Farm Assessment

    is accomplished through people, and more cows per farm means more people are needed to care for those ... cows. How can you do a better job managing people and therefore your cows? A good first step is knowing ... owners and managers identify strengths and areas of concern in their people management skills and the ...

  6. Media Advisory: Conservation Scientist to Speak at Ohio State Feb. 11

    International, will give a free public talk, “Earth and People: Lessons in Living Together,” to more than 1,500 ... people — including students, faculty and staff from The Ohio State University and members of the ... protecting Earth’s environments and peoples. The  Environmental Professionals Network, a service of the  ...

  7. Dairy Palooza 2019

    nearly 400 people were in attendance! With quality assurance training and a session on writing thank-yous ...

  8. Weebles Wobble

    are talking about people, families, lives.  People who have committed to building or carrying on ... a dairy farm business because they love cows and farming.  People who are providing jobs to other people ... and families.  So why talk about it?  Because it does involve people and what they have worked hard to ...

  9. A Great Success!

    With over 300 attendees, the first Ohio Dairy Conference attracted considerably more people than ... people learned the dynamics of the U.S. dairy industry, the changes in eating and demand patterns of U.S. ...

  10. Ohio 4-H Awarded $20,000 to Help Grow 4-H

    million youth by 2025. Currently 4-H empowers nearly six million young people in every county across ... people who are empowered for life today and prepared for career tomorrow. 4-H programs empower nearly six ... million young people across the U.S. through experiences that develop critical life skills. Last year, ...
