
Search results

  1. Springtime on Rural Roads

    on the road and increased motor vehicle traffic because of more people transitioning from ...

  2. Summer Days Ahead: Don’t Ignore Heat Stress!

    heat stress and heat stroke People may begin feeling hot, tired, and sweaty.  Excessive heat and ...

  3. Livestock Medication Records: Are They Really Necessary?

    tissues from treated animals pose little risk to people. As part of the approval process for any drug ...

  4. ACEL undergraduates complete in research forums

    completed will help them in their future careers to improve the communities, programs and people they will ...

  5. Spring Pesticide Safety Reminders

    chemical storage is secure enough to keep children and unauthorized people out.   Have you stored your PPE ...

  6. Social Isolation, Stress and Anxiety in a Time of Uncertainty

    During this time many people are dealing with feelings of social isolation, stress, and anxiety. ...

  7. 4-H Rocks! 4-H Week

    Please spread the word about our great 4-H program! Today, send a flyer to 5 new people and invite ...

  8. Guide to Grocery Shopping Online

    Without a doubt COVID-19 has transformed how many of us do our grocery shopping. More people are ...

  9. 25 students receive American FFA Degree

    Bailey Wagner Stephanie Wuebben Community Leadership Scott McDermott Rachel Stoneburner   ...

  10. Dairy Labor Certificate Course Sponsored by Ohio State University Extension

    program is $75 per person and is limited to the first 30 people who register. For additional information, ...
