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  1. Code Literacy: Increasing K-12 Coding Education in Ohio

    programs benefit business, community, scientific and social needs. Without coders, people would not have ... the lifestyle they enjoy today. How Computer Science Benefits Society Computer programmers help people ... creators of technology, but also simultaneously the protectors of people’s digital footprints. For ...

  2. Shigella: Bacteria that Causes the Foodborne Illness Shigellosis

    called shigellosis. The illness can be treated and most people get better quickly. One of the symptoms of ... weeks. The bacteria must be swallowed to cause disease. They are often spread when people do not wash ... their hands with soap and warm water after using the toilet or changing a diaper. People who get the ...

  3. Sun Exposure for Trainers and Supervisors

    melanoma risk is linked with cumulative sun exposure and the number of severe burns. Some people have ... greater risk of skin changes and skin cancer from sun exposure: People who burn easily, rarely tan, and ... have freckles. People who have a fair complexion. People with blonde or red hair. People with blue or ...

  4. Eating Disorders Awareness: Emotional Issues Involved With Eating Disorders

    Personality Characteristics of Individuals With Eating Disorders People with Anorexia Nervosa: Perfectionists ... Socially anxious Fear of spontaneity Reluctant to take risks Practice food rituals People with Bulimia: ... Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) usually precedes the onset of anorexia nervosa. Family Factors Families of People ...

  5. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Melons

    identifies a ripe melon. Many people purchase cut melons and judge ripeness from the appearance of the inside ...

  6. Farming with Diabetes

    certificates. It can affect people of any age. It is the leading cause of irreversible kidney disease, non-work ... related lower extremity amputations, and onset of blindness in people 20–74 years of age. Diabetes also ... Diabetic people are also three times more likely to die from flu complications. Individuals can control ...

  7. People and West Nile Virus: Frequently Asked Questions

    to people by the bite of an infected mosquito. The principal transmitter of WNV is the Northern House ... infected with WNV. Once the mosquito is infected, it may transmit the virus to people or other animals when ... from the infection. Horses, too, are prone to severe WNV infection. People cannot get WNV from another ...

  8. Assistive Technology for the Farm

    However people with disabilities face even greater challenges in performing essential tasks in life. These ... to people with disabilities, or they may involve innovative work practices that change the way a task ... feed equipment, anti-fatigue matting Seating and Positioning Aids These products help people with ...

  9. Osteoporosis: Risk Factors, Prevention, and Detection

    built to replace it. Most people reach their “peak bone mass” around age 35, then very slowly start to ... affecting about 25% of women 65 and older, but only 5% of men 65 and older. Most people do not even know ... Osteoporosis can affect people of all ages but is much more common among older people.  Sex. Your chances of ...

  10. Hepatitis E: A Foodborne Zoonotic Threat in the U.S. and Abroad

    (Feagins et al. 2007). People can become infected by consumption of undercooked pork or other meat ... hepatitis E commonly occurs among teens and young adults (people aged 15–44 years). Pregnant women are more ... transplantation, cancer, or AIDS are more likely to develop chronic and severe infections. People with underlying ...
