
Search results

  1. Suicide Prevention Training

    to help save a life from suicide. Just as people trained in CPR and the Heimlich Maneuver help save ... thousand of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to recognize the warning signs of a suicide ... Training is limited to 20 people. There is a fee of $10. To register go to: ...

  2. Stepping On

    Prevention (CDC) and Wisconsin leads the nation in fall-related deaths for people aged 60 and older.  But the ...  The workshop is designed specifically for people who are aged 60 or older and have fallen or have ...

  3. Shared Harvest

    phone number, and number of people living in your household by age and show proof of residency by ... people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles for the registration process and place their car in ...

  4. Alan Leininger Advised by John Fulton ...

  5. CSM/IAC meeting

    219 bethany reserved for stephanie  Thursday, October 28, 2021- 3:00pm to 4:00pm ...

  6. Distinguished Senior Spotlight: Dante Spieker

    students to get involved on campus.  "Get out there and talk to people, start making those ... have come from people in the major and with faculty, but looking back at it, so much of what I have ...

  7. Shared Harvest

    Anyone picking up food should drive to the distribution site during the appropriate hours. We ask, people ...

  8. Ohio Saves Week

    webinars on financial topics will provide people the opportunity to learn evidence-based skills in order to ...

  9. Hope IS a Strategy

    aspects. This time of year can be more difficult for people, especially those who have Seasonal Affective ... Disorder (SAD) or it’s milder form Winter Depression. Most people develop symptoms in late fall or early ... remember there is HOPE! There are people (mental health professionals) who can and want to help. There are ...

  10. Shared Harvest

    to provide your name, address, phone number, and number of people living in your household by age and ... please do not line up early.  We ask, people receiving food need to stay in their vehicles for the ...
