
Search results

  1. Dr. Hanping Wang’s aquaculture book named one of the all-time best by

    by thought leaders, and aids people in finding the best books on any topic. The site serves millions ...

  2. Pass It On: Business Transition Training

    Over 70,000 businesses in Ohio are owned by people over 55. As these owners prepare for ...

  3. A Cup of Coffee with Dr. Dan

    premise – helping people make mindful choices and inspiring internal motivation. Through programs like ... educate people on how to manage their chronic illnesses and for disseminating knowledge to help build ... can help people apply information to their lives, and realize why they need to make a change. I think ...

  4. Office Closed


  5. Office Closed


  6. Office Closed


  7. Where are they now? Alumni Awards edition

    I am proud of. Networking with diversified people who were successful has been a blessing to my career, ... indication that I was evidently a positive influence on many people, and for that I am very pleased and ... I value the relationships I have developed with so many great people of all ages over the years. I will ...

  8. Farm Science Review will be virtual for the first time, and free

    because of the coronavirus pandemic, reaching people not in person but on their laptops and smartphones. ...

  9. A virtual battle cry

    optimism, rising up to a crescendo of percussion and horns. When the band starts playing it, people stand up ... throughout the stadium—often 100,000-plus people coming together in one moment—and cheer. The COVID-19 ...

  10. Private Pesticide and Fertilizer Recertification Meeting

    Monday, March 21, Fertilizer Recertification (Category 15) 5:00- 6:00 p.m. & Private Pesticide Recertification (Categories 1-7) 6:00- 9:00 p.m. Williams County Veteran's Memorial Building 875 E. Main St., Montpelier, OH 43543 Cost:  $10, Fertiliz ...
