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  1. OSU Leadership Center Offers Wonder Woman Wednesdays in March

    speakers each Wednesday in March to share their path to leadership and the people who helped them along the ...

  2. 4-H Camps Welcome ALL Wayne County Youth

    full of transformational experiences for young people as they offer safe environments for youth to ...

  3. OSU Extension Trust Edge Survey

    please give it your prompt attention. Notes: People hired after November 2022 will not get the survey. ... The employee list had to be pulled in November, and adding new people is not possible now. The survey ...

  4. FCS Healthy Professional Development Awards Presented Recently

    Healthy Literacy Specialist certification); Amy Meehan, Healthy People program specialist (obtaining ...

  5. National Nutrition Month Turns 50. How Would You Fare On MyPlate Test?

    people of all ages. For children, there are age-appropriate tasks they may enjoy. If you watch ...

  6. Yellow Pie Plate Research Helps Families Resolve Heirloom Conflict

    different people.  Realize that gender may have little impact on who gets the garden utensils or the dishes, ...

  7. ANSCI Homecoming Email

    include Animal Sciences alumni David Brown, BS ’62; Lucas de Araujo Souto, MS ’10; Stephanie Langel, BS ...

  8. Take a Virtual Tour of the new CEARC

    learn about the high-tech control system, and hear from some of the people advancing sustainable and ...

  9. Partnership Promotes DEI Workshops for SNAP-Ed Staff

    Nutrition Assistance Program Education). SNAP-Ed is a free, evidence-based program that helps people lead ...

  10. Here's How To Celebrate The Holiday Season Without Breaking The Bank

    up and people may spend more money on them than they realize, Marrison said. “For some people that ... touch with people over social media throughout the year. Marrison had some advice on this as well. “Now ... you genuinely thinking about the people you’re sending those cards to and conveying your love to them ...
