
Search results

  1. CSM/IAC meeting

    219 bethany reserved for stephanie  Thursday, October 28, 2021- 3:00pm to 4:00pm ...

  2. Communicating to be Understood online workshop

    a relationship. In this workshop we will explore how people communicate differently and how you can use your ... strengths to build relationships with your team and increase people's feeling of being heard. Through ...

  3. Distinguished Senior Spotlight: Dante Spieker

    students to get involved on campus.  "Get out there and talk to people, start making those ... have come from people in the major and with faculty, but looking back at it, so much of what I have ...

  4. Wonder Woman Wednesdays- Webinar 3- Rosemarie Rossetti, Ph.D.

    virtual presentations help people integrate universal design, accessible design, and green building ... accommodating people with disabilities at meetings and events have been a game-changer in the meetings industry. ... cities and attract people with disabilities. Her motivational keynotes focus on coping with change, ...

  5. SOLD OUT! Effective Meeting Facilitation: Getting the Most Out of Your Group

    effective at facilitating people through processes that provide useful information and data in making ...

  6. Wonder Woman Wednesdays- Webinar 1- Joy Zhao, Ph.D.

    a corporate job and mentoring professionals, Joy realized her calling to help people pursue their life ... spoke to 5,000+ people through complimentary webinars, panel discussions, and coaching sessions on how ...

  7. Engineering Minors

    many people. I will remember and cherish these experiences for the rest of my life."- Jenna Baer, ...

  8. Thanksgiving Break

    Thursday, Nov. 24- Thanksgiving Day. No classes, offices closed. Friday, Nov. 25- Indigenous Peoples ...

  9. Noon Basketball

    pick-up basketball. Come check us out and enjoy getting to know some new people via friendly competition ...

  10. SOLD OUT! Problem-Solving, Teamwork and Creativity for Success

    a task? Why they problem solve differently than you? Why some people think “inside the box” and others ...
