
Search results

  1. Home Food Preservation series 2020

    year, we really want to get people started off right, even if we can’t meet them face-to-face. Each of ...

  2. The OSU Extension- Lucas County May Day Challenge

    discrete pockets of the country — went something like this: As the month of April rolled to an end, people ...

  3. Tis The Season for Soil Testing

    Testing your soil is the only way to determine the nutrient levels in your soil. Some people fertilizer ...

  4. Assistant Director of Ohio 4-H Youth Development

    overall goal of 4-H is to ensure that young people experience a thriving trajectory that leads to ... Young people gain access to this knowledge through experiential learning opportunities that allow them ...

  5. Plans Underway for the 2020 Master Gardener Volunteer Pogram

    knowledge, but most importantly, share that knowledge with others. Class size is limited to 25 people. Please ...

  6. Exploring Graduate Programs

    if applying to a “science-based” graduate program. 1) People go to graduate school for lots of ... people and use your online resources to explore the full range of options that exist. Most departments ...

  7. OSU Extension Priorities and Program Areas

    has nationally recognized programs that help people make healthy choices and catalyze the creation of ... people develop characteristics that build a foundation for a positive adulthood. Sustainable Food Systems ... experience possessed by a group of individuals. Mobilizing people in ways that produce shared benefits is ...

  8. Food and Nutrition Education

    provide accessible and reliable research-based information to help people help themselves. Nutrition ...

  9. Respecting the Tough Work

    Northwest Ohio in 2019. The volunteer training is called  Tough Work: Understanding and Serving People in ...

  10. June 2020 Pressure Canner Dial Gauge Testing

    reason, most people have a healthy regard for the possible dangers of pressure canners.  Usually this ...
