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  1. OSU Day at Cedar Point!

    before it opens for the 2022 season! Tickets are only $30 for students and the first 4,000 people in the ...

  2. Agriculture plays key role in limiting climate change

    people around the world can undertake to mitigate climate change,” said Sohngen, who has worked with the ... options and more ways for people to get involved in mitigating climate change that are within the realm of ... being cost effective,” Sohngen said. “Part of the reason why people are more optimistic about this ...

  3. 2022 Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist Class

    provided an opportunity for you to spend sometime outdoors. While some people had an extra-long weekend, ...

  4. Where are the workers at the end of 2021? An agricultural and food sector employment update

    either pushing people out of employment in this sector or that are pulling people towards alternative ...

  5. Ohio labor and unemployment updates now available

    a role in keeping people unemployed? Where did all the workers go and what will the future hold? You can ... are either pushing people out of employment in this sector, or are pulling people towards alternative ... metric. Finally, the role unemployment benefits play in keeping people unemployed has long been an open ...

  6. Campus Activities Board (CAB)

    students! Meetings: Weekly Advisor: Benefits of Being a CABbie: Meet new people and make new friends! Plan ...

  7. How to ruin the taste of a cookie with just 2 words

    products that people actually want.” The study tested the impact of food labeling on the human ... people to be skeptical of claims that a product is better just because it’s labeled “new and improved.” ... “With the negative contextualized messaging, there were more negative attributes selected – people ...

  8. Work Ethic Scholarships

    this year’s Work Ethic Scholarship Program. "Through this program, we recognize people who ...

  9. National Day of Racial Healing

    from the effects of racism. The Day is an opportunity to bring ALL people together in our common ...

  10. Diversity and Inclusion

    Team supports is the Celebration of Nations held annually. Diversity is differences among people ...
