
Search results

  1. Copper

    Copper is an essential nutrient, but some people who drink water containing copper in excess of the ... people who drink water containing copper in excess of the action level over many years could suffer liver ... or kidney damage. People with Wilson's disease should consult their personal doctor. 1 300.00 ...

  2. Western Reserve Land Conservancy

    people of the North Central Ohio Lake Erie Watersheds to conserve in perpetuity the natural resources and ...

  3. Ottowa River Coalition

    Corporation representative "All these people are committed and they are really trying to do what is best ... move stormwater from one area to the next. When I started meeting people in the [ORC] I learned that ... "These people are very dedicated to the community and they are willing to go the extra mile to try to ...

  4. Apply Now for New Secrest Arboretum Master Gardener Class

    things, some 1,500 trees. ‘An incredible group of people’ Afterward, “Master Gardener volunteers from ... the class. “Master Gardener volunteers are an incredible group of people. “We saw a need in our own ...

  5. Supporting Ohio’s $786 million grape and wine industry …

    Ohio’s economy. Ohio’s grape and wine industry employs more than 5,000 people, according to the Ohio ...

  6. New study looks at why Americans waste so much food

    people perceive benefits to throwing food away, some of which have only limited basis in fact. A study ...

  7. Cutting Propagation Workshop

    advance registration is required. Participation is limited to 12 people. Details and a link to online ...

  8. Research on link between health and nature will grow in new OARDC garden

    gardens and nature on people’s health. The 115-acre arboretum is on OARDC’s campus in Wooster. The ...

  9. Do algae affect what fish see? Science angles for answers

    integrate this really basic science — visual physiology — with the people who are out there catching the ...

  10. New buzz on bees and crops: New answers, more questions, ‘good potential’ for joint research

    there’s “good potential for people to work together on this line of research. It’s a valuable opportunity ...
