
Search results

  1. Ohio State Peace Corps Recruiter Awarded Prestigious Lillian Carter Award

    Corps' third goal of promoting a better understanding of other peoples on the part of Americans. Jack was ... people, has brought about Ohio State’s rise to #4 in the Peace Corps’ annual rankings of colleges and ...

  2. Ohio’s annual Stinner Summit makes plans for sustainable food, communities

    It was about growing green farms. Building sustainable communities. And helping keep more people ...

  3. Aquaculture Education Update

    FSR total attendance was over 125,000 and at least 500 people passed by the display and talked to ...

  4. Research, Education, and Extension Collaboration between the Ohio State University South Centers and Jiamusi Branch of Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences

    Rafiq Islam, along with Alan Sundermeier from Ohio State University visited the People’s Republic of ...

  5. Bangladeshi Graduate Student Addresses Food Insecurity in Home Country Through Research at Ohio State

    Initiative. Because of Bangladesh's already high population density- approximately 160 million people in ... nutritional demands of the people in Bangladesh," shares Alam. In fact, Bangladesh now ranks 5th  in the ... the demand of 160-plus million people, we definitely need new, dynamic, and cost-effective ...

  6. How and why skipping meals to lose weight can backfire

    people,” said OARDC scientist Martha Belury of the College of Education and Human Ecology. “But you ...

  7. Celebrating Your Impact

    people who have lost limbs or are going to lose a limb and tries to show them how well he gets along ... people who can run operations of that size and I hope to be as good of a manager as them someday.”-Sarah ... youth groups to begin as a leadership development initiative in 2009. This program gives young people ...

  8. Introductory Workshop on Aquaculture and Aquaponics

    researchers. Registration is $45 per person or $75 for two people from the same farm, business or family. It ...

  9. Soybean Fields with Sudden Death Syndrome are Popping up Around the State

    I don’t think too many people in the state will deny that Ohio’s planting conditions were tough. ...

  10. Hands-on Horticulture

    political stability. With sixty percent of people in Africa depending on agriculture, the people of Northern ...
