
Search results

  1. Ohio Sea Grant director Reutter retires after 42 years of service

    people every year, more than $1.3 million in endowments for scholarships and research equipment, and ...

  2. Joan Msuya: Following Your Smile

    island. In order to smile you have to interact with other people. My stay at Ohio State was filled with ... new people which will last for a lifetime. Each Friday evening, we met with other international ...

  3. Mission Possible: Positive Leadership

    test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room. Are people happy to see you? ...

  4. OSU Weed Science Field Day, and include the number of people in your group.  Payment can be via cash or check the day of the ...

  5. EQ: Tapping into Your Greater Leadership Potential

    intelligence (EQ) is concerned with understanding oneself and others, relating to people, and adapting to and ...

  6. Policy Issues and Options at the Rural-Urban Interface: A National Perspective

    Rural America is changing rapidly in the 21st Century as people move to the countryside in search ... of farms and development in the rural countryside. People insist on surrounding themselves with open ...

  7. Events Calendar

    show held in Columbus that draws industry people from all over the world. The reception is hosted by ...

  8. Mission Possible: Positive Leadership

    quick test is to observe the way people react to you when you walk into a room.  Are people happy to see ...

  9. Best Boss Ever

    vital to being a great boss. Finally, creating a culture where people feel empowered and respected will ...

  10. What is Your Personality Color Spectrum

    The Spectrum Temperament Development Model is a fun and exciting method for helping people better ... the difference among the people around them. Beth Flynn is facilitating this workshop. Cost: $75.00 ...
