
Search results

  1. Conversations on the Future of Extension

    trends and issues, referred to as descriptors, for Ohioans over the next 20 years. More than 500 people ...

  2. Agricultural Fertilizer Applicator Certification Update

    a Pesticide Applicator License or a bill for the $30 fee if you did not have a Pesticide License. People ...

  3. Open letter regarding efficacy of Cry1F trait on western bean cutworm

    (most too late and with little hope of benefit). People are frustrated and angry and, more importantly, ...

  4. 4-H Week

    unique opportunities for young people, families, volunteers, and communities to become actively involved. ...

  5. PetPALS Cat Behaviors

    with people, other cats and animals. A cat does not express all of these behaviors in each situation. ...

  6. PetPALS Dog Behaviors

    behaviors dogs display when they communicate with people, other dogs, and other animals. A dog does not ... People often read them wrong, thinking they are harmless because most of their facial expressions show ...

  7. Hands-on Agronomy Education Nurtures Senegalese Farming Future

    Nurtures Senegalese Farming Future The Ohio State University/Université Gaston Berger The people of ...

  8. 1980's

    helping people better themselves by becoming involved in programs that have a positive impact on their ... encouraged young people to explore higher education and assume responsible positions in the community. ... and energy to helping people learn to interact together, develop relationships, and support each ...

  9. Team Academic Resources

    these resources are intended to help make your job easier by quickly linking you to valuable people and ...

  10. Grants

    account information to anyone you don’t know. Scammers pressure people to divulge their bank account ...
